Sunday, July 4, 2010


We had a school assignment recently that was to ask our Indonesia friends about what kind of superstitions they have here. Boy, were we surprised at the answers!
  *If a bird poops on a person they will have a bad day (this one kinda makes sense!).  :)
  *If a girl sits and eats on the front porch of the house she will end up marrying someone who has had a divorce.
  *If you step on a frog you will have a ugly spouse.
  *You have to be careful about cutting down big tree’s because spirits live in them.
  *If you poop in your dream that means you will loose something that day.
  *If you loose a tooth in a dream that means someone in your family or extended family is going to die.
  *You have to be careful not to die is a dream because you WILL die for real!
  *If a snake comes into your home then someone in your family or extended family is going to die.
  *And our Favorite! We have a newt/lizard that lives in our homes here in Indonesia and it’s called a “Cicek”. They mostly come out at night and they walk on the walls and some times the ceiling (this is normal...). O.K. here it is.... If a Cicek falls on you then someone in your family or extended family is going to die unless you catch it and break it’s jaw open! And they still believe this and do this today!!!

1 comment:

labatterie said...

We are very sorry for not emailing/updating more lately.